Sunbathing by the pool
Our outdoor pool in Merano
Partaneshof is a refuge on hot summer days, where guests can enjoy the gentle, cooling breezes, or the shade provided by our vineyards…or a refreshing dip in our outdoor pool. Take your time and enjoy it...
Take a few laps, ease into the whirlpool…and then stretch out on a lounge chair and allow the warmth of the sun to re-energize you.

We are very gladly available to you for possible questions!
Hotel Partaneshof - Sigrid & Matthäus Ladurner
Verdistraße 66, I-39012 Meran, Südtirol - Italy, Tel. +39 0473 446 260, Fax +39 0473 446 243,
Proprietor: Sigrid und Matthäus Ladurner | VAT ID IT-02338090216 | Company Headquarters: Meran | Südtirol